

These simple tasks can help extend the life of your dryer. Find out how to clean the inside of a dryer, how to clean your dryer vent and more.

Ignoring regular dryer maintenance can impact the machine's efficiency and may lead to 昂贵的修理,或者更糟的是 火灾隐患. If you spot any of these signs, your clothes dryer might need some extra attention:

  • 烘干机运行的时间比实际需要的要长得多.
  • 一个循环后衣服仍然湿或潮湿.
  • 烘干机运行时移动或摇晃.



See that the lint screen is clear before starting each load. 要做到这一点, 小心地从烘干机上取下纱布, wipe away any lint that’s been collected and carefully place the screen back into the dryer. Doing this helps keep the hot air flowing freely through the vent and reduces the risk of your dryer overheating.

Keep the area around the lint screen clear of debris

Also check that the area around the lint screen is kept clean and free of debris. 要做到这一点, simply remove the lint screen from it’s housing cavity and clear out the lint and debris using a dryer lint brush or vacuum cleaner.


Try not to put too many things into the dryer at once. 你在烘干机里放的东西越多, 晾干的时间越长, 烘干机也会磨损得越厉害. It’s better to separate larger loads into smaller manageable sizes.


定期清洗烘干机的内部. 即使你在烘干机里没有看到任何污渍, try to wipe it clean once a month to help prevent residue from building up. 要做到这一点, 拔掉电器插头, then wipe out the inside of the drum using a soft washcloth and soapy water or a microfiber cloth and rubbing alcohol.


Rotating components tend to wear out faster when the dryer isn’t leveled. If your dryer moves or shakes when it’s in use, it may be off balance. You can balance the dryer by adjusting the feet at the bottom of the unit – turn clockwise to lower it or counterclockwise to raise it.


Moisture, dirt and lint can quickly accumulate underneath your dryer and behind it. It’s a good idea to vacuum behind and underneath your dryer every few months, 或者更频繁,如果你看到灰尘积聚.


Even if you’re diligent about cleaning the lint screen, it’s not uncommon for lint and debris to settle in the ventilation tube and obstruct the flow of air. A clogged vent is a dangerous 火灾隐患 that should be addressed right away, so check to make sure the hot air from the dryer is moving through the ventilation tube and coming out the exterior vent.


If your dryer’s ventilation tube is visible and easy to get to, carefully pull the dryer away from the wall and check the tube for obstructions. 小的沉淀物可以用真空除去, but often times it’s better to just replace the tube entirely.


If you’re not able to get to the vent yourself, you might consider hiring a professional. They have special tools and equipment to get into the places you can’t.

Following these simple dryer maintenance tips can help reduce potential 火灾隐患s from happening in your home. 同时,看看这些 洗衣机保养小贴士, 洗衣房安全提示 和其他 家用电器维护待办事项.

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