季节的光 & 更多帮助战胜冬季忧郁的方法

Natural solutions to help combat seasonal affective disorder until spring arrives.


随着冬天的来临, 白天变短,天气变冷, 我们中的许多人可能会发现自己患有“冬季抑郁症”." Severe and chronic seasonal depression is a serious issue and should be treated by a medical professional. 然而, 对我们很多人来说, winter tends to bring on lesser types of seasonal affective disorder (sometimes called SAD) along the lines of "cabin fever" or "the blahs.“不过,还是有办法的 . . . 嗯哼 . . . 天气 winter, including seasonal light lamps and positive habits that help fend off stress and sadness.


The winter blues aren't just a folksy saying — t在这里 are physiological (and psychological) reactions to how much sunlight we soak up on a daily basis. 在北半球, the tilt of the Earth means we get fewer winter daylight hours (and less direct sunlight) the farther north we live. 例如, 冬至前后, 锚地, 阿拉斯加, gets less than five hours of daylight and the northernmost part of Minnesota gets eight. 白天变短意味着日照变少, which can mess with our circadian rhythms and bring about changes in our sleep schedules, 我们的饮食习惯和情绪.

That's why some people notice that during winter months they sleep more, 对日常活动缺乏精力和兴趣, feel more irritable or moody and may even want to eat more (especially foods heavy in carbohydrates). T在这里 are doctor-prescribed light therapies that include bright light boxes or dawn simulators, 但如果你的症状没有那么严重, t在这里 are other things you can do on a daily basis to fight off the blues or blahs.



  • 把百叶窗打开. 季节的光 solutions can be as simple as opening up the blinds and curtains and removing things 像树枝一样 那堵了面向太阳的窗户.
  • 坐在阳光下. Move your desk or kitchen table into an area that's getting more sunshine. Take some time during the day to sit near a bright window and read or work. 早晨是晒太阳的好时机, as it can both help keep your body clock set right and raise your spirits for the rest of the day.
  • 研究SAD光疗. 信用卡诈骗罪 拿一个光疗盒 or LED SAD light if you don't have windows that get much sunlight during the day.


  • 去外面. Sure, it might be colder out, but bundle up and try to get out more during the daylight hours. Make a daily walk part of your winter routine — even on a cloudy day your body is still soaking up sunshine. When an unseasonably warm winter day comes along, consider eating lunch outdoors or 全家散步.
  • 花点时间放松. Don't push yourself too hard — take a little time each winter day to chill out, so to speak.
  • 是社会. 当你感到忧郁或暴躁时, 有时候你最不想做的就是和别人在一起, 但有时这正是你所需要的. 当你 工作上的好邻居 在你的 社区你的善良和尊重就会得到回报.
  • 迎向太阳. 如果你正在计划寒假, consider going somew在这里 warm and sunny to give yourself a brief mid-winter recharge. 如果你参加了医疗pp王者电子官网, 补充pp王者电子官网可以提供额外的支持 作为你旅行时的医疗费用.


  • 保证充足的睡眠. While sleeping all day or finding it increasingly hard to get out of bed can be a sign of more severe depression, make sure you're getting a normal and healthy amount of rest each night. 睡眠不足会增加压力.
  • 正确的饮食. 遵循健康饮食建议. 不管你冬天的身体多么渴望它们, 尽量少吃脂肪含量高的食物, 糖和碳水化合物. 而不是, 尽量吃富含营养和维生素的食物, 包括鱼, 富含-3脂肪酸的坚果和蔬菜.
  • 定期锻炼. Not just because you want to get a head start on your summer beach body, but because it 有助于减轻压力 和焦虑,加强你的身体和精神系统.


  • 引入自然. 室内盆栽植物, 包括不需要维护的多肉植物, 可以改善你的情绪, improve the air you breathe and even increase your productivity to make your space more comfortable.
  • 设置一个冥想点. Whether it's a pillow in a quiet corner or a more elaborate area that includes aromatherapy oils, 找个地方深呼吸放松是关键. 静静地坐在原地 能在减少负面情绪的同时恢复平静的感觉吗.
  • 添加一些快照. Colorful photos from travel and celebrations help keep happy memories top of mind. Create a gallery wall that captures moments with loved ones to bring instant cheer to your space.

If your winter blues get worse and you feel you might be experiencing continuing depression, 向专业医疗人员寻求帮助. If, 然而, you feel like your mood and attitude just need a little boost during the cold, 黑暗的冬季, follow these tips to fight off the blahs and get as much happiness and fun out of winter as you do the other, 温暖的季节.

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T在这里’s one ready to offer personalized service to fit your specific needs.





Walking is a healthy exercise that can reduce the effects of too much sitting. 这里有一些在家中和工作中做到这一点的建议.


在寒冷的天气来临之前, take time to insulate your home or apartment to keep the winter chill outside.


Look at these tips to save money on winter energy expenses and help winterize your home w在这里ver you live.