
状态 Farm® supporting The Humane Society

For four-legged friends, an emergency can get off to a rough start. Here's how to prepare.

During a disaster, Joanne Bourbeau, 她是非营利组织佛蒙特州灾难动物应急小组(VDART)的董事会主席,也是美国人道协会(HSUS)的东北地区主任。, 在幕后协调应对措施,保护动物免受伤害. 这意味着,当从大范围洪水到交通事故等事件压倒当地资源时, they procure and set up temporary animal shelters, transport pets to safety and provide for their needs — such as food, 水, 庇护所和兽医护理——直到它们能与家人团聚. But she's not the only one who needs to prepare.

同时确保您和您家人的安全仍然是我们的首要任务, 照顾动物也是备灾的重要一步. 在计划期间,一个家庭如何处理它的宠物经常被忽视, and that leaves some pet owners scrambling during times of stress. “我们从不希望人们在疏散期间不得不在他们的动物之间做出选择," says Bourbeau.

而不是, 波博建议养宠物的人制定一个计划,并打包一个生存工具包,以满足整个家庭的需要——包括四条腿的同伴. 这里有一些建议,教你如何开始一个包括你的宠物在内的备灾计划.

Pack the essentials

Three days' worth of essentials is a good rule of thumb to start; you might be asked to shelter in place or asked to leave your home, says Bourbeau. 为你的宠物和整个家庭准备足够的食物和水,可以让你更容易抵御紧急情况,包括呆在家里的命令或需要呆在临时住所. Pet owners should also consider including extra medications, comfort items and cleaning supplies in their pet's disaster kit.

Make it simple

家庭可以 包装用品 — for both pets and humans — in one plastic container, which is easy to carry outside of the home or fit in the trunk of a car, says Sarah Speed, executive director of the Pennsylvania Animal Response Team (PART), 这是一个全州范围内的非营利组织,在动物紧急情况下,由911在全州范围内派遣以县为基础的反应小组.

Tailor the details

Add to your emergency stockpile, depending on the needs of your pet. 例如, 一些动物在坐车时可能需要约束,而另一些动物只需要一个载体. 家庭通常包括微芯片文件,以便更容易与他们的动物团聚. For cats, litter and a litterbox are other essentials, says Speed. 她说,可以考虑添加玩具和零食,这可以减轻动物在困难时期的压力. Dogs may need a leash and additional grooming essentials.


Before volunteers join Bourbeau's disaster response team, she gives them the same advice she gives others: Jot down an emergency plan and share it with loved ones who need to be in the know. 这意味着要涵盖一些问题,比如如果家庭必须撤离家园,要为动物指定一个看护人. “我们要求所有志愿者都有一份个人书面计划,详细说明他们的动物要去哪里,她说. "Unless you have it in writing, 当你在路上的时候很难记住——如果你自己的家人不安全,你就不能做志愿者."

Prepare a backup plan — and another backup plan

Even if you've got your emergency response plan Bourbeau说,在适当的情况下,有一个备份是很重要的,以防不可预见的情况. "We always want a Plan B or Plan C, 特别是对于那些养了很多动物或动物种类繁多的人来说,她说. 后备计划通常包括邻居或住在附近的其他人,如果亲人突然无法提供宠物护理,他们愿意提供增援, 她补充说.

Revamp on a yearly basis

Discuss your go-to plan and repack essentials annually. Consider swapping out snacks, 宠物食品,甚至是饮料,并用有效期较晚的产品代替它们. 一定要为你的整个家庭——包括你的宠物——列好非食物物品的清单,比如水碗, medicine and hygiene products. "Keep it all together and update it," says Speed. "Make it part of your spring-cleaning plan."

Meet 状态 Farm's Disaster Go Bags

当灾难来袭时,迅速寻求帮助——无论是你自己还是你的宠物——都是至关重要的. At 状态 Farm, we're making it just a little bit easier. We've partnered with VDART and PART — and soon, other states — to distribute our Disaster Go Bags, 哪些四条腿朋友的主人可以储存和抓取以备紧急情况. Not only do we include food and toys, we pack other basics such as collapsible drinking bowls, dog waste bags and a mini first-aid kit. 我们的动物安全涂色书甚至可以帮助孩子们在压力大的时候放松下来.

“应急包有家庭开始建立自己的个性化救灾包所需的一切," says Bourbeau, 谁最近在无家可归者收容所和食品储藏室把它们分发给有需要的宠物家庭. “这是一个双赢的局面,能够为家庭提供这种可能挽救生命的资源."

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